In today’s hybrid world, many things are consumed both in person and online. Students can take classes online or on campus, employees can work from home or in the office, and consumers can shop both online and in a retail shop. Our study showed that 81% of archery consumers will shop both online and in-store. This data should show you that you need to meet your audience where they’re at by offering both online and in-person options to your customers. PEAK can help.
What the Data Tells Us
A major discovery from our survey is that a company’s website and their retail presence rank almost identically among factors that impact a customer’s purchase intent. The efficacy of the brand’s website ranks fifth on the list at 63% and having a retail presence ranks sixth on the list at 61%,
Our study also showed that customers are more inclined to use research to learn about a product (86%) or brand (66%) than they are to use it for purchasing an item (52%). You can interpret from this data that once the consumer has researched the product and decided who they want to buy it from, they don’t care how they buy it.
What it Means for Companies
There are some things that customers will buy online without thinking twice about it and there are some things that they’ll likely only buy in-store; it all depends on the level of expertise and the type of product they’re buying. For example: 72% of our survey respondents said they’ll be buying field points and broadheads in the coming year. If you’re an experienced bowhunter who knows exactly what kind of broadhead to use for your type of bow and the wild game you hunt, you can order your arrows online without issue. On the other hand, 53% of respondents said they’ll be buying a compound bow this year. That’s something that should be bought in-store so that you can test out different bows and see how they fit with your height and draw weight.
What You Can Do
To maximize your reach to its fullest potential, you should be selling products both in-store and online. Creating an online store doesn’t need to be daunting. As long as it is functional, easy-to-use, and somewhat aesthetically pleasing, it will serve its purpose for your customers. PEAK can help you design a great website with an online store that’s both functional and performs well with SEO so that your store shows up in more search results.
Reach out to us for more information on how PEAK can help you become a hybrid in-store/online retailer.